The Period Panty Dilemma: How to Wash Your Undies and Make Them Last Longer

The Period Panty Dilemma: How to Wash Your Undies and Make Them Last Longer

Those magical days of the menstrual cycle can be a lovely and liberating experience… for most of us that is. However, as much as we adore not having to deal with external restraints, there seems to be a lesser-reached area of concern often brushed aside – the sanitary concerns surrounding our period knickers.

It’s well-documented that period- friendly undies are must-haves for those embarking on the journey or, at the very minimum, have an increased amount of bleeding during their lives. In a world fraught with tampons, washes, and drying conditions that leave your undie pile dwindling, some simple and easy-to-spot adjustments can go a length towards ensuring a longer – pun intended – lifespan without any unpleasant odors building up. Here’s one guide on how to optimize those delicate little numbers before their untimely swansong.

1." The Golden Rule" Keep a spare stash

**For all those extra bleeding days**: In instances when a normal day and two more can't cater for, we all had one, two, *some* three extra set (just a little under one pair more). Not necessarily because they are bad (because we love both pairs the same), mainly we know how the unpredictable *bloat* & its afterlife can last anywhere between a few 

